Boston Angiogenesis Meeting (BAM) 2024 
November 15, 2024; 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
The Starr Center, 185 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA
Meeting Chair: Dan G. Duda, DMD, PhD
Investigator at Mass General Brigham
Professor at Harvard Medical School

BAM 2024 Symposium Schedule

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Light Breakfast

9:30 AM – 10:50 AM
Latest Trends in Tumor Angiogenesis Research

Rakesh K. Jain (MGH)

Mario Suva (MGH)

Diane Bielenberg (CHB)

Roger Kamm (MIT)


10:50 AM – 11:10 AM
Coffee Break

11:10 AM – 12:30 PM
Angiogenesis in Non-Malignant Diseases

Nathan Lawson (UMass) 

Patricia D’Amore (Schepens)

Mark W. Fineberg (BWH)

Michael Rogers (CHB)

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Lunch Break

1:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Clinical Translation of Antiangiogenesis

Scott Plotkin (MGH)

Zohreh Amoozgar (MGH)

Vincent Xu (DFCI) 

Mark Leick (MGH)

2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
Coffee Break

3:10 PM – 4:50 PM
Open Session: The Future of Angiogenesis Research

Trevor Krolak (HMS)

Somin Lee (MGH)

Daniel Reynolds (HMS)

Xin Liu  (MGH)

Tim Dorweiler (CHB)

Keynote lecture:

Tim Padera (MGH)


Keynote Speaker: 
Timothy P. Padera, PhD
The Rullo Family MGH Research Scholar at Mass General Brigham
Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School
Invited Speakers:
Rakesh K. Jain, PhD
Director, Steele Laboratories at Mass General Brigham 
Andrew W. Cook Professor of Tumor Biology at Harvard Medical School
Patricia D’Amore, PhD, MBA
Director of the Howe Laboratory, Schepens Eye Research Institute
Charles L. Schepens Professor of Ophthalmology and Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School
Scott Plotkin, MD, PhD
Executive Director, Pappas Center for Neuro-Oncology
Giovanni Armenise Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School
Michael S. Rogers, PhD
Research Associate, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital
Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School
Mark B. Leick, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
Diane R. Bielenberg, PhD
Assistant Investigator, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital
Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School
Nathan Lawson, PhD
Professor of Molecular, Cell, and Cancer Biology
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Mark W. Feinberg, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Mario L. Suva, MD, PhD
Investigator at Mass General Brigham
Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School
Zohreh Amoozgar, PharmD, PhD
Scientist at Mass General Brigham
Vincent Xu, MD
Physician at Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
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